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June 27 โ€“ July 1, 2024

17th Annual Bare Oaks Bash Naturist Volleyball Tournament

Tournament Divisions

๐Ÿ Fun Division
If you are new to volleyball or want to experience a casual play style, then this division is for you. We put together teams of 6 people with a later start and more time to relax between games. Only basic volleyball rules are applied.

๐Ÿ Serious Novice Division
You have limited experience and looking for a bit more action on the court. Advanced rules are applied and 3 contacts with the volleyball is encouraged.

๐Ÿ Intermediate Division
You are an experienced volleyball player looking for lots of ball contact. It is played in teams of 4 with all volleyball rules applied.

๐Ÿ Open Division
You are an experienced and skilled volleyball player. This is the highest level we offer and players are encouraged to form their own teams prior to registering. It is played in teams of 4 and all volleyball rules are strictly enforced to ensure that the quality of volleyball is high.

โœ”๏ธ Bare Bistro โ€“ full-menu (including beer & wine) restaurant with tournament specials
โœ”๏ธ Campfires (bring your instrument and/or your voice)
โœ”๏ธ Childrenโ€™s activities
โœ”๏ธ Court-side music
โœ”๏ธ Fireworks
โœ”๏ธ Saturday night: Nude Professional Comedians
โœ”๏ธ Friday Open Mic.
โœ”๏ธ Poker, Darts, Ping-Pong, Billiards, Sauna, Hot Tub, Pool, Lake, and all the other amenities of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park


Visitors Members Youth (19-25)
One Day
Two Days
All Days
Non-playing partner of a registered player
Extra Days when staying overnight โ€“ must be contiguous

Tournament fees are per person. Day Ground Fees are INCLUDED.
Children 18 or under play free.
For overnight stays, see the Bare Oaks accommodations page


Tournament questions & reservations:

Accommodation questions & reservations: contact Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park

General Tournament Rules

  • You can only play on one team per tournament.
  • All players must be registered and wear their wristband at all times.
  • The Novice Division is for players who are learning, unskilled or inexperienced.
  • You canโ€™t change teams once you have started playing.
  • Only team captains can speak with referees. All protests must be made prior to the next whistle or play.
  • Unsportsmanlike behaviour or language will result in immediate disqualification and possible ejection from the park.
  • Practice or warm up should be done off the courts.
  • Each team will be called 3 times starting 10 minutes before play. If your team does not show up, the game will be forfeited.
  • You can hit the ball with any part of your body but no kicking is allowed.
  • Game times, schedules and formats for Sunday will be communicated to the team captains.
  • We use Rally Scoring so every point counts. Net Serves are legal. You must win by 2 points and there are no score caps unless specified by the official.
  • The team captain must report the score to the administration tent.
  • When there are no referees, teams will be officiating each other. Do not walk away after the game without checking if you are officiating the next game.
  • Teams must score, officiate, and work the lines as marked on the schedule.
  • All players must play nude. (all divisions, all levels, all ages) After all, this is a naturist volleyball tournament. Make sure you use plenty of sunscreen to prevent sunburn.